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The song army of the lord will be free 09-30-2008 the song will be available on for exposer free today

The life of GB'z

Keni Jackson (aka) KJ was born in Philadelphia, and raised on streets of Southwest Philly. KJ been have wowing audiences since the age of 4, when him and his brother made thier debut on a well show by the name Al Albert's Show cases.KJ was vary influenced by the following groups such as earth, Wind, and Fire,Stevie Wonder, Micheal Jackson, etc.
KJ has also been on tour with Patty Labelle
as a bass player and back up singer.
Keni (aka) KJ is an awsome musical intruments player, able to play multiple
instruments not mention about his very
unique voice which would just have you on the edge of your seat.

Stpehen Russell Campbell (aka) Yung Russ
was born aslo in Philadelphia, and grew up in Southwest Philly. Yung Russ started his
career after being influenced by groups such as Run Dmc, The Sugar Hill Gang,
LL, cool J, etc. He wrote and produced
his own lyrics for himself and performed them for the audiences of a promoter, who put on shows of a (World Renowned Entertianment), showcase and Yung Russ won awards for best new artist and writer. And to this day he is one of the best writers of lyric
of today.


This Artist has 1 Album